Stevenson Clinical Study Club
You are committed to excellence. You may be a recent graduate or a seasoned clinician and you find it challenging to find continuing education courses that both increase your knowledge and enhance your skills. These courses are hard to find and typically very costly. Even with hands-on courses, the transfer of new techniques to actual clinical situations is uncertain, often frustrating, and usually lacks mentoring. The Stevenson Clinical Study Club is the next level in continuing your path to proficiency and mastery. Each session involves actual patient care with mentoring, photo documentation, and helpful critiques. During the critique session after clinical care, the mentor will review the procedures and offer suggestions for continuous improvement. In this way all the members of the club learn from each other, thus accelerating the learning curve. The Stevenson Clinical Study Club was established to bridge the gap between hands-on education and patient care through the steady and consistent mentoring and feedback approach.
We meet at the Stevenson Dental Solutions Teaching Center in San Dimas California, on eight Saturdays in 2024, and 10 Saturdays in 2025 onward. We meet once per month except for July and December. The center has three fully functional master operatories, an operating microscope, traditional X-ray machines, handheld X-ray machines, CBCT, a laboratory with a casting and burn-out oven, a 3-D printer, scanners, and on-site CAD/CAM (milling). We also have 32 benches available for typodont exercises, and a robust audio-visual system.
Scope of Clinical Cases
New members will typically perform 2 indirect procedures on typodonts before operating on patients, and these include preparing and delivering two indirect restorations (either ceramic onlay, veneer, or gold inlay/onlay). The lab fees are paid by Stevenson Dental Solutions. After completing these cases, Operating Members will be able to schedule patients for subsequent sessions. Associate Members will only be allowed to move on to patient care after completing any three of the four qualifying prerequisite courses (see below). During patient care, all restorative and some surgical procedures will be allowed, including crown lengthening. The focus, however, will be on restorative techniques and cases, including veneers, crowns, partial coverage crowns, inlays and onlays (CAD/CAM or analog), direct restorations, occlusal therapy, VDO alteration, and full mouth rehabilitation.